Thursday, January 31, 2008

Promote Your Vote!

Election is a decision making process where a population chooses an individual to hold official offices. This is the usual mechanism by which modern democracy fills offices in the legislature, sometimes in the executive and judiciary, and for regional and local government.

In addition to that, in normative political philosophy, the authority of the government in democracies derives solely from the consent of the governed. The principal mechanism for translating that consent into governmental authority is the holding of elections. It is agreed that elections should be free and fair. Thus, promotion of electoral candidates is very much of a big concern and so the campaigns of each candidate must be unique and appealing to the masses of people.

Gratefully as I am, I found Promote Mitt Romney where you can have customized t-shirts, pens, vote cards, address labels, sticky notes for orders not greater than 5$ only. This site does not just offer customized, fashionable campaign products but they also feed its readers with the latest updates on the presidential elections for both democrats and republicans. They even have this easy navigation feature which will lead us to the information that we need. Examples are links directing its readers to the democratic and republican candidates’ sites.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahahahha...update imong links sa akong blog. Mga luman ug nadelete mana nga blogs.