This last semester of my College years is really full of trials. God! I got this one stupid teacher who get his lessons only at I don't belittle what information we can get from because I too, am getting some information from it. My point here is, this stupid teacher sets too high standards which does not even conform to his capacities. He's a wide dreamer, he talks a lot, but he never have that word of honor. All what he said are just impossible dreams that I don't know where he got all of these. I just wanted fair judgment. Can't wait to get out from this kind of environment to where I am right now. INCOMPETENCE RULES AND HE IS THE KING!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
This last semester of my College years is really full of trials. God! I got this one stupid teacher who get his lessons only at I don't belittle what information we can get from because I too, am getting some information from it. My point here is, this stupid teacher sets too high standards which does not even conform to his capacities. He's a wide dreamer, he talks a lot, but he never have that word of honor. All what he said are just impossible dreams that I don't know where he got all of these. I just wanted fair judgment. Can't wait to get out from this kind of environment to where I am right now. INCOMPETENCE RULES AND HE IS THE KING!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Blog Readability Test
Well, I just had fun with this widget I saw from a friend's blog. But I remember the last time I attended a journalism seminar. It is very important to "write not to impress but to express." And the only thing to convey our thoughts and emotions clearly is to have clear, understandable words used within the content of any post, article and the like.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It has to happen in the right time frame...

Friday, December 07, 2007
A Dream Fulfilled: 5th Mindanao Wide IT Quiz Bowl Result

December 6, 2007 marked a very significant day of my life as an IT student. It was indeed a very nerve breaking experience being one of the participants of the 5th Mindanao-Wide IT Quiz Bowl which is participated by 24 Universities and Colleges all over Mindanao. I feel so blessed and happy to share that a dream and prayer of mine is fulfilled. We grab the CHAMPION title of this year’s quiz bowl competition.
The quiz bowl was tough and it really tested our endurance to such nerve breaking questions in each round. I was quite surprised because the type of quiz given is not the typical multiple choice type but rather it was mainly filling in the blank with the correct answer. I could therefore proudly say that we won not by chances of guessing the letter of the correct choice but we won because we’ve answered the questions correctly. It was really tough and very challenging quiz show I’ve ever joined.
Quiz Show Result:
CHAMPION: UNIVERSITY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (yours truly: Mary Grace Ignacio with Catherine Remolleno)
1st Runner Up: U.P. Mindanao
2nd Runner Up: Holy Child School of Davao
At least, I’ll be leaving the school with the prestige being the Champion. I’ve longed this for so long and everytime I join a competition. At all times, I never get contented of giving what is required but I always seek for ways to have a better result than what is expected. Just as like given a task, I always give my best shot and seek for more productivity. Same goes with joining a competition.
Along with us to share this victory is our other accomplished wins for that day. We won 1st runner-up for our vocal solo, 2nd runner up for the MTV Spoof and Modern Dance. Congrats UICians! Indeed, it was a very great experience. Let me grab this opportunity as well to thank all the people who believed in us and supported us all the way. To Sir Ex, for choosing me as the participant, to our Coach-Sir Arnold, the UIC-ITE Family and my inspirations. Thank you so much!
Sunday, December 02, 2007
I miss blogger!
God bless guys! C yah in blogosphere!